Back to school

It's been great to be back at Primary schools again this week for a couple of sports weeks. Things are not quite the same as before and they might not be for some time, but we're getting used to working alongside covid and the impact on sessions has been minimal.

We need a little time to clean equipment between sessions and you might spot our instructors wearing masks, but most of the hard work is done in the planning.

By juggling bubbles, timetabling carefully and choosing the right activities things have been going smoothly on the day.

One area we are still struggling with is working with multiple bubbles on some of our harder to clean activities. Mostly construction challenge! There are so many pieces and they are tricky to clean. We can spray and wipe of course, but our feeling is that to be used between bubbles dipping or leaving for 72 hours is the best option. Hopefully the time will come for these activities again in the future (with multiple bubbles).

There's still loads we're doing now! This week we've had crazy golf, aeroball, archery, climbing, soft archery, boccia and kurling for reception-year 6. In fact, 780 children have taken part in our activities this week alone and it’s all been done with safety at the front of our minds.


New faces and New activities


FAQ’s - Putting together an activity day.